
achievementn.ความสำเร็จaccomplishment, successList all of your previous achievements on your resume.
alternativen.ทางเลือก, ตัวเลือกoption, substituteCarob is sometimes used in sweet foods as a healthier alternative to chocolate.
applicableadj.ใช้ได้, เหมาะสมappropriate, suitableThe new qualifications are applicable to all European countries.
applicantn.ผู้สมัครcandidateAll applicants are required to submit their resumes.
apprehensiveadj.ประหม่า,กังวลanxious, concerned, uneasyMany people feel apprehensive before an important job interview.
approximateadj.ราวๆ, ประมาณclose, almostThe price quoted by the movers is only an approximate cost and is subject to change.
associatev.มีความสัมพันธ์, เกี่ยวข้องกันrelateTwo of the applicants were associated with a competitor.
beneficialadj.เป็นประโยชน์, เป็นผลดีadvantageous, useful, helpfulThe organization's work is beneficial to the community.
careern.อาชีพJacobson started his banking career in 1990.
collaboratev.ร่วมมือ, ทำร่วมกันcooperateTwo writers collaborated on the script for the film.
complimentaryadj.ที่ให้ฟรีfree of chargeThere was a complimentarybottle of champagne in the hotel room.
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